Bacterial Poultry Vaccine Department

Head of the Department
Prof. Dr. Afaf Ahmed Khedr
Mobile   +20223429204 - +20223422505

The BPVD is responsible for evaluation of aerobic and anaerobic bacterial poultry imported and locally produced vaccines either live, inactivated or recombinant vaccines. 

BPVD is accredited by EGAC for ISO 17025 in 4 methods:

* Identity of live bacterial poultry vaccines using PCR

* Enumeration of total aerobic bacterial count in live bacterial poultry vaccines through determination of viable bacterial cells count in live attenuated bacterial poultry vaccines

* Titration of live bacterial poultry vaccines using real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction rt-qPCR.

* ELISA test for detection of antibodies response against inactivated bacterial poultry vaccines.


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